Vermeld in iedere vraag duidelijk:
- De versie van Joomla! 3.X die je gebruikt
- De volledige url van je website indien mogelijk.
- De versie van de extensie waar de vraag over gaat.
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:08 - 26 jan 2016 13:24
ik heb deze melding al eerder geplaatst en het leek er op dat het probleem door een volledige herinstallatie van de extensie was verholpen. Helaas niet dus maar het topic is gesloten en dus kaart ik het maar opnieuw aan.
Het betreft de extensie; Simple email form
geinstalleerd in de allerlaatste versie van Joomla
Niet elke keer maar maar wel bij herhaling krijg ik de hiernavolgende melding;
In het eerder geplaatste topic had ik al een reactie gehad van Astrid. Maar als zij kijkt op de site van de fabrikant krijgt zij een heel andere regel 1024 getoond dan ik. Om die reden heb ik de hele code helper.php hieronder geplakt. Ik mag het niet als bijlage meesturen want dan heet het een veiligheidsrisico.
Ik had van Julian een alternatief stukje code gekregen om een aantal regels te vervangen. Als ik dat vervang wordt het formulier helemaal niet meer verzonden, dus jammer genoeg bleek ook dat de oplossing niet te zijn. Wellicht moet daar een kleine aanpassing aan worden gedaan en ik hoop dat Julian dat kan aangeven. Daarom ook zijn code hieronder geplakt.
Ik hoop dat jullie me nog iets verder kunnen helpen. Als gezegd komt de melding niet bij iedere verzending opzetten maar wel herhaaldelijk. Als je maar blijk klikken op verzenden dan wordt het uiteindelijk wel verstuurd en verdwijnt die melding op dat moment ook. Maar niet voor lang.
Hier de codes;
(1) helper.php
(2) de aangepaste code van Julian maar dan wordt niets meer verstuurd.
Edit Astrid: Ik heb de code tussen codetags geplaatst, volgende keer graag zelf doen.
Edit Jelle: Ik heb de melding tussen tags geplaatst, volgende keer graag zelf doen.
ik heb deze melding al eerder geplaatst en het leek er op dat het probleem door een volledige herinstallatie van de extensie was verholpen. Helaas niet dus maar het topic is gesloten en dus kaart ik het maar opnieuw aan.
Het betreft de extensie; Simple email form
geinstalleerd in de allerlaatste versie van Joomla
Niet elke keer maar maar wel bij herhaling krijg ik de hiernavolgende melding;
Notice: Undefined index: mod_simpleemailform_field_oneTime_1 in /public/sites/ on line 1024
In het eerder geplaatste topic had ik al een reactie gehad van Astrid. Maar als zij kijkt op de site van de fabrikant krijgt zij een heel andere regel 1024 getoond dan ik. Om die reden heb ik de hele code helper.php hieronder geplakt. Ik mag het niet als bijlage meesturen want dan heet het een veiligheidsrisico.
Ik had van Julian een alternatief stukje code gekregen om een aantal regels te vervangen. Als ik dat vervang wordt het formulier helemaal niet meer verzonden, dus jammer genoeg bleek ook dat de oplossing niet te zijn. Wellicht moet daar een kleine aanpassing aan worden gedaan en ik hoop dat Julian dat kan aangeven. Daarom ook zijn code hieronder geplakt.
Ik hoop dat jullie me nog iets verder kunnen helpen. Als gezegd komt de melding niet bij iedere verzending opzetten maar wel herhaaldelijk. Als je maar blijk klikken op verzenden dan wordt het uiteindelijk wel verstuurd en verdwijnt die melding op dat moment ook. Maar niet voor lang.
Hier de codes;
(1) helper.php
Copyright 2010 - 2014 D. Bierer <>
Version 1.8.6
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
2014-08-25 DB:
* Removed option to make "From" field pre-set when "Email Check" is disabled:
// You can already do this by marking it "Hidden" and entering a value in the config
2014-01-01 DB:
* Added check to see if CAPTCHA URL has a trailing "/"; hard-coded the "/" if not
* Modified German translation thanks to Janis Blechert <>
* If email checking is disabled, the default value in the "from" field will be used
* An HTML5 "email" type field is now used for the "from" field
* Added HTML5 "placeholder" attribute so that default values are displayed (text and textarea fields only but not "from" field)
* ??? error in restricting which types of files can be uploaded
* Corrected Estonian translation thanks to Kristo Kaupmees <>
* Added Croatian language thanks to Nikola <>
* Added Portuguese language thanks to Rui Cabanita <>
* Added a new type "U" on field 8 for customized user-defined fields (i.e. phone numbers)
2015-04-23 DB:
* fixed XSS vulnerability as reported here:
class _SimpleEmailForm {
public $to = NULL;
public $from = NULL;
public $fromName = NULL;
public $cc = NULL;
public $bcc = NULL;
public $replyTo = NULL;
public $replyToActive = FALSE;
public $attachment = array();
public $subject = '';
public $body = '';
public $dir = '';
public $copyMe = '';
public $copyMeAuto = '';
public $error = '';
class modSimpleEmailForm
// Initialize vars
protected $_msg = '';
protected $_output = '';
// NOTE to developers: just increase this number for more fields
// BUT you will have to also increase the number of entries in mod_simpleemailform.xml
protected $_maxFields = 8; // mixed From, Subject, text, textarea, dropdown select, radio, checkbox fields
protected $_field = array();
protected $_badEmail = '';
protected $_fromField = 1;
protected $_subjectField= 2;
protected $_fileMsg = '';
protected $_lang = 'en-GB';
protected $_transLang = array();
protected $_params = array();
protected $_testMode = 'N';
protected $_testInfo = array();
protected $_fieldPrefix = 'mod_simpleemailform_field';
protected $_csrfField = 'mod_simpleemailform_field_oneTime_1';
// 2011-12-03 DB: added CSS styling for elements
// Used if CSS Class param is set
protected $_tableClass = '';
protected $_trClass = '';
protected $_thClass = '';
protected $_tdClass = '';
protected $_spaceClass = '';
protected $_inputClass = '';
protected $_captchaClass = '';
// Init XML params
protected $_cssClass = '';
protected $_labelAlign = '';
protected $_copymeLabel = '';
protected $_copymeActive = 0;
protected $_copymeAuto = 0;
protected $_errorTxtColor = '';
protected $_successTxtColor = '';
protected $_anchor = '';
protected $_autoReset = '';
protected $_redirectURL = '';
protected $_col2space = 0;
protected $_uploadActive = 0;
protected $_uploadAllowed = '';
protected $_uploadLabel = '';
protected $_emailCheck = '';
protected $_addTitle = 'N';
protected $_instance = 0;
// Init CAPTCHA params
protected $_useCaptcha = 0;
protected $_captchaDir = '';
protected $_captchaURL = '';
protected $_captchaLen = 0;
protected $_captchaSize = 0;
protected $_captchaWidth = 0;
protected $_captchaHeight = 0;
protected $_captchaTextColor = '';
protected $_captchaLinesColor = '';
protected $_captchaBgColor = '';
public function __construct($params)
// Get XML params
$this->_cssClass = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_cssClass');
$this->_labelAlign = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_labelAlign');
$this->_copymeLabel = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_copymeLabel');
$this->_copymeActive = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_copymeActive');
$this->_copymeAuto = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_copymeAuto');
$this->_errorTxtColor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_errorTxtColor');
$this->_successTxtColor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_successTxtColor');
$this->_anchor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_anchor');
$this->_autoReset = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_autoreset');
$this->_redirectURL = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_redirectURL');
$this->_col2space = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_col2space');
$this->_uploadActive = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_uploadActive');
$this->_uploadAllowed = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_uploadAllowed');
$this->_uploadLabel = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_uploadLabel');
$this->_instance = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_instance');
$this->_emailCheck = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailCheck');
$this->_addTitle = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_addTitle');
// test mode
$this->_testMode = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_testMode');
// error checking for all incoming params
$this->_instance = trim($this->_instance);
$this->_redirectURL = trim($this->_redirectURL);
$this->_col2space = (int) $this->_col2space;
$this->_uploadActive = (int) $this->_uploadActive;
$this->_uploadAllowed = strtolower(trim($this->_uploadAllowed));
$this->_cssClass = strip_tags(trim($this->_cssClass));
$this->_cssClass = ($this->_cssClass) ? $this->_cssClass : 'mod_sef';
$this->_autoReset = ($this->_autoReset == 'Y') ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->_emailCheck = ($this->_emailCheck == 'Y') ? TRUE : FALSE;
$this->_addTitle = ($this->_addTitle == 'Y') ? TRUE : FALSE;
// label alignment
switch (strtoupper($this->_labelAlign)) {
case 'C' :
$this->_labelAlign = 'center';
case 'R' :
$this->_labelAlign = 'right';
default :
$this->_labelAlign = 'left';
// 2011-12-03 DB: init CSS class properties (if set)
$this->_tableClass = $this->_cssClass . "_table";
$this->_trClass = $this->_cssClass . "_tr";
$this->_thClass = $this->_cssClass . "_th";
$this->_spaceClass = $this->_cssClass . "_space";
$this->_tdClass = $this->_cssClass . "_td";
$this->_inputClass = $this->_cssClass . "_input";
$this->_captchaClass = $this->_cssClass . "_captcha";
// Assign field params into array
$this->_field = array();
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_maxFields; $x++) {
// build labels
$activeLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'active';
$valueLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'value';
$sizeLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'size';
$maxxlabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'maxx';
$labelLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'label';
$fromLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'from';
$ckRfmtLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'ckRfmt'; // separator for radio / checkbox only
$ckRposLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . 'ckRpos'; // label for radio / checkbox before or after only
// 2010-12-12 DB: added check to see if any values + set defaults
$a = trim($params->get($activeLabel)); // Yes / No / Required / Hidden
$v = trim($params->get($valueLabel));
$z = trim($params->get($sizeLabel));
$m = trim($params->get($maxxlabel));
$l = trim($params->get($labelLabel));
$f = trim($params->get($fromLabel)); // From / Subject / Normal / textArea / Drop / Radio / Checkbox
$s = trim($params->get($ckRfmtLabel));
$p = trim($params->get($ckRposLabel));
// all fields
$this->_field[$x]['value'] = (isset($v)) ? $v : ''; // gets overwritten for Dropdown select / Radio / Checkbox
$this->_field[$x]['size'] = (isset($z)) ? (int) $z : 40; // gets overwritten for textarea fields
$this->_field[$x]['error'] = '';
$this->_field[$x]['maxx'] = (isset($m)) ? (int) $m : 255;
$this->_field[$x]['label'] = (isset($l)) ? $l : $x . ':';
$this->_field[$x]['ckRfmt'] = (isset($s) && stripos('-HVC', $s)) ? strtoupper($s) : 'C';
$this->_field[$x]['ckRpos'] = (isset($p) && stripos('-BA', $p)) ? strtoupper($p) : 'A';
// active
if (isset($a) && $a) {
$a = trim(strtoupper($a));
if (strpos('-RYNH', $a)) {
$this->_field[$x]['active'] = $a;
} else {
$this->_field[$x]['active'] = 'N';
} else {
$this->_field[$x]['active'] = 'N';
// from field (also used to determine field type only for active fields
if (isset($f) && $f && $this->_field[$x]['active'] !== 'N') {
$f = trim(strtoupper($f));
// From Subject Normal textArea Dropdown Radio Checkbox User
if (strpos('-FSNADRCU', $f)) {
$this->_field[$x]['from'] = $f;
// identify "from" & "subject" fields
switch ($f) {
case 'F' : // From
$this->_fromField = $x;
case 'S' : // Subject
$this->_subjectField = $x;
case 'A' : // textArea
$this->_field[$x]['size'] = (isset($z) && strpos($z, ',')) ? $z : '4,40';
case 'D' : // Dropdown select
case 'R' : // Radio
case 'C' : // Checkbox
// opts used for select / radio / checkbox fields
// overwrite 'value' with an array of value=visible key pairs
if (isset($v) && $v) {
if (strpos($v, ',')) {
$vTmp = explode(',', $v);
} else {
$vTmp = array($v);
$newArray = array();
foreach ($vTmp as $item) {
if (strpos($item, '=')) {
list($value, $visible) = explode('=', $item);
} elseif ($item) {
$value = $item;
$visible = $item;
} else {
$value = '---';
$visible = '---';
$newArray[trim($value)] = trim($visible);
$this->_field[$x]['value'] = $newArray;
} else {
$this->_field[$x]['value'] = array('---' => '---');
default :
// nothing
} else {
$this->_field[$x]['from'] = 'N';
} else {
$this->_field[$x]['from'] = 'N';
// Captcha
$this->_useCaptcha = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_useCaptcha');
$this->_captchaDir = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaDir');
$this->_captchaURL = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaURL');
$this->_captchaLen = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaLen');
$this->_captchaSize = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaSize');
$this->_captchaWidth = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaWidth');
$this->_captchaHeight = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaHeight');
$this->_captchaTextColor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaTxtColor');
$this->_captchaLinesColor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaLinesColor');
$this->_captchaBgColor = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_captchaBgColor');
// Load language files
// i.e. tr-TR.mod_simpleemailform.ini
$this->_lang = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_defaultLang');
$langFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language_files'
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_lang . '.mod_simpleemailform.ini';
if (file_exists($langFile)) {
$this->_transLang = parse_ini_file($langFile);
} else {
$langFile = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language_files'
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'en-GB.mod_simpleemailform.ini';
$this->_transLang = parse_ini_file($langFile);
// Set email object params
$this->_msg = new _SimpleEmailForm();
$this->_msg->dir = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailFile');
$this->_msg->subject = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_subjectline');
$this->_msg->copyMe = 0; // NOTE: depends on what user selects
$this->_msg->fromName = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_fromName');
$this->_msg->copyMeAuto = ($this->_copymeAuto == 'Y') ? 1 : 0;
// TODO: check for multiple targets, and, if so, convert to array()
$to = trim($params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailTo'));
$cc = trim($params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailCC'));
$bcc = trim($params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailBCC'));
$this->_msg->to = (preg_match('/[\s,]+/', $to)) ? preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $to) : array($to);
if ($cc) { $this->_msg->cc = (preg_match('/[\s,]+/', $cc)) ? preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $cc) : array($cc); }
if ($bcc) { $this->_msg->bcc = (preg_match('/[\s,]+/', $bcc)) ? preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $bcc) : array($bcc); }
// 2012-2-7 DB: add optional Reply-To field
$this->_msg->replyToActive = $params->get('mod_simpleemailform_replytoActive');
if ($this->_msg->replyToActive == 'Y') {
$this->_msg->replyTo = array($params->get('mod_simpleemailform_emailReplyTo'), '');
} else {
$this->_msg->replyTo = '';
// params into testInfo
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_testInfo[] = '<br />Params: ' . var_export($params, TRUE) . PHP_EOL;
// 2015-04-24 DB: build CSRF hash field name
$this->_csrfField = $this->_fieldPrefix . '_oneTime_' . $this->_instance;
* Assumes $this->_transLang[] has been defined
public function uploadAttachment($dir, $uploadAllowed, $errorTxtColor, $successTxtColor, &$message, $fieldNum = 1)
$message = '';
$result = '';
$allowed = FALSE;
$fieldLabel = 'mod_simpleemailform_upload_' . $fieldNum . '_' . $this->_instance;
// Capture filename
$fn = (isset($_FILES[$fieldLabel]['name']))
? basename(strip_tags($_FILES[$fieldLabel]['name'])) : '';
// use regex to check for allowed filenames
if ($fn) {
// Get filename extension
$pos = strrpos($fn, '.'); // last occurrence of '.'
$ext = strtolower(substr($fn, $pos + 1));
if ($uploadAllowed) {
if (strpos($uploadAllowed, $ext)) {
$allowed = TRUE;
} else {
$allowed = FALSE;
} else {
$allowed = TRUE;
if ($allowed) {
// Check to see if upload parameter specified
if ( $_FILES[$fieldLabel]['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) {
// Check to make sure file uploaded by upload process
if ( is_uploaded_file ($_FILES[$fieldLabel]['tmp_name'] ) ) {
// Set filename to current directory
$copyfile = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fn;
// Copy file
if ( move_uploaded_file ($_FILES[$fieldLabel]['tmp_name'], $copyfile) ) {
// Save name of file
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($successTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_upload_success'], $fn);
$result = $fn;
} else {
// Trap upload file handle errors
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_upload_unable'], $fn);
} else {
// Failed security check
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_upload_failure'], $fn);
} else {
// Failed security check
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_upload_error'], $fn);
} else {
// Failed regex
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_disallowed_filename'], $fn);
return $result;
// uses $this->_labelAlign, $this->_col2space, $this->_errorTxtColor, $this->_field, $this->_maxFields
public function formatRow()
$output = '';
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_maxFields; $x++) {
if (stripos('-YR', $this->_field[$x]['active'])) {
$name = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . '_' . $this->_instance;
$value = (isset($_POST[$name])) ? $_POST[$name] : '';
// 2015-04-23 DB: added htmlspecialchars()
if (is_array($value)) {
foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
$value[$key] = htmlspecialchars($item);
} elseif (strpos($value, '@')) {
// prevents Joomla from reformatting using javascript
$value = str_replace(array('@','<','>',';'), array('@','','',''), $value);
} else {
$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
// 2011-12-03 DB: added CSS classes for input, table, row, th and td
$row = '';
$row .= '<tr class="' . $this->_trClass . '">';
// labels
$row .= sprintf("<th align='%s' style='text-align:%s;' class='%s'>%s</th>",
// space between cols
$row .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// input field
$row .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
// check field type
switch ($this->_field[$x]['from']) {
case 'A' :
// if rows and cols values not set, establish defaults
$inputClass = $this->_inputClass . '_textarea';
list($numRows, $numCols) = explode(',', $this->_field[$x]['size']);
$numRows = ($numRows) ? $numRows : 4;
$numCols = ($numCols) ? $numCols : 40;
$row .= sprintf('<textarea name="%s" id="%s" rows="%d" cols="%d" class="%s" placeholder="%s">%s</textarea>',
$name, $name, $numRows, $numCols, $inputClass, $this->_field[$x]['value'], $value);
case 'D' :
// drop down select list
$inputClass = $this->_inputClass . '_select';
$row .= sprintf('<select name="%s" id="%s" class="%s">' . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $inputClass);
foreach ($this->_field[$x]['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$key = htmlspecialchars($key);
$visible = htmlspecialchars($visible);
$row .= "<option value='$key'>$visible</option>\n";
$row .= "</select>\n";
case 'R' :
// radio button list
$value = (is_array($value)) ? $value : array();
$row .= $this->buildCheckRadioField($this->_field[$x], $name, 'radio', $value);
case 'C' :
// checkbox list
$value = (is_array($value)) ? $value : array();
$row .= $this->buildCheckRadioField($this->_field[$x], $name, 'checkbox', $value);
case 'F' :
// 2013-11-07 DB: added HTML5 email type field if email checking is enabled
// from field
$type = ($this->_emailCheck) ? 'email' : 'text';
$row .= sprintf('<input type="%s" name="%s" id="%s" size="%d" value="%s" maxlength="%d" class="%s"/>',
// 2014-05-21 DB: added User Defined field ... for customization
case 'U' :
// 2014-05-21 DB: in this example we have an HTML5 "phone" field, which accepts only phone numbers
$row .= sprintf('<input type="phone" name="%s" id="%s" size="%d" value="%s" maxlength="%d" class="%s" placeholder="%s"/>',
// 2015-04-23 DB: added htmlspecialchars()
default :
$row .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="%s" id="%s" size="%d" value="%s" maxlength="%d" class="%s" placeholder="%s"/>',
// 2015-04-23 DB: added htmlspecialchars()
$row .= ($this->_field[$x]['error'])
? $this->formatErrorMessage($this->_errorTxtColor, $this->_field[$x]['error'])
: '';
$row .= "</td>";
$row .= "</tr>\n";
$output .= $row;
return $output;
// uses $this->_inputClass and $this->_(tr|th|td|table)Class to build CSS class
protected function buildCheckRadioField($field, $name, $type, $value)
$output = '';
$width = '';
$inputClass = $this->_inputClass . '_' . $type;
$tblClass = $this->_tableClass . '_' . $type;
$trClass = $this->_trClass . '_' . $type;
$thClass = $this->_thClass . '_' . $type;
$tdClass = $this->_tdClass . '_' . $type;
$cssLabel = $this->_cssClass . '_' . $type . '_label';
$cssInput = $this->_cssClass . '_' . $type . '_input';
if ($field['size']) {
$width = 'style="width:' . $field['size'] . 'px;"';
$format = $field['ckRfmt'] . $field['ckRpos'];
switch ($format) {
case 'HB' : // horizontal, label before
$output .= "<table class='" . $tblClass . "'><tr class='" . $trClass . "'>\n";
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($thClass, $width, $this->padVisible($visible), $tdClass, $type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $inputClass, $checked);
$output .= vsprintf('<th class="%s" %s>%s</th><td class="%s"><input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/></td>', $list);
$output .= "</tr></table>\n";
case 'HA' : // horizontal, label after
$output .= "<table class='" . $tblClass . "'><tr class='" . $trClass . "'>\n";
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($tdClass, $type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $inputClass, $checked, $thClass, $width, $this->padVisible($visible));
$output .= vsprintf('<td class="%s"><input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/></td><th class="%s" %s>%s</th>', $list);
$output .= "</tr></table>\n";
case 'VB' : // vertical, label before
$output .= "<table class='" . $tblClass . "'>\n";
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($trClass, $thClass, $width, $this->padVisible($visible), $tdClass, $type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $inputClass, $checked);
$output .= vsprintf('<tr class="%s"><th class="%s" %s>%s</th><td class="%s"><input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/></td></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $list);
$output .= "</table>\n";
case 'VA' : // vertical, label after
$output .= "<table class='" . $tblClass . "'>\n";
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($trClass, $tdClass, $type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $inputClass, $checked, $thClass, $width, $this->padVisible($visible));
$output .= vsprintf('<tr class="%s"><td class="%s"><input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/></td><th class="%s" %s>%s</th></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $list);
$output .= "</table>\n";
case 'CB' : // use CSS label before
$output .= '<span class="' . $cssLabel . '">';
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($this->padVisible($visible), $type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $cssInput, $checked);
$output .= vsprintf('%s<input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/>', $list);
$output .= '</span>' . PHP_EOL;
case 'CA' : // use CSS label after
$output .= '<span class="' . $cssLabel . '">';
foreach ($field['value'] as $key => $visible) {
$checked = (in_array($key, $value, TRUE)) ? 'checked' : '';
$list = array($type, $name, $name, $key, $key, $cssInput, $checked, $this->padVisible($visible));
$output .= vsprintf('<input type="%s" name="%s[]" id="%s_%s" value="%s" class="%s" %s/>%s', $list);
$output .= '</span>' . PHP_EOL;
default : // nothing defined
$output .= "<table>";
$output .= "<tr><td>Undefined</td></tr>\n";
$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
protected function padVisible($visible)
return ' ' . $visible . ' ';
public function sendResults(_SimpleEmailForm &$msg, $field)
// 2012-02-15 db: override unwanted error messages originating from JMail
// Build Body
$msg->body = '';
// 2013-09-01 db: added article title
if ($this->_addTitle) {
try {
$document = JFactory::getDocument();
$msg->body .= "\nArticle Title: " . $document->getTitle();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_error'] . ': JFactory::getDocument()->getTitle()';
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_maxFields; $x++) {
$label = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . '_' . $this->_instance;
// if "active" = hidden, pull in value automatically
if ($field[$x]['active'] == 'H') {
$msg->body .= "\n" . $field[$x]['label'] . ': ' . $field[$x]['value'];
// otherwise pull value from $_POST
} else {
// 2013-04-20 DB: added check for array -- to account for checkboxes / multi-select
$value = '';
if (isset($_POST[$label])) {
if (is_array($_POST[$label])) {
$value = implode(" / ", $_POST[$label]);
} else {
$value = $_POST[$label];
$msg->body .= ($value) ? "\n" . $field[$x]['label'] . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($value) : '';
// Strip slashes
$msg->body = stripslashes($msg->body);
// Filter for \n in subject - 2010-05-03 DB
$msg->subject = str_replace("\n",'',$msg->subject);
// Send mail
$message = JFactory::getMailer();
//echo $message->dumpLanguage(); exit;
// 2012-02-03 DB: added reply to field (has to be array())
if ($msg->cc) { $message->addCC($msg->cc); }
if ($msg->bcc) { $message->addBCC($msg->bcc); }
if ($msg->replyTo) { $message->addReplyTo($msg->replyTo); }
// 2012-02-15 DB: set up attachments as an array
if (count($msg->attachment) > 0) {
// Formulate FN for attachment
foreach ($msg->attachment as $fn) {
$fullPath = $msg->dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fn;
try {
if (!$sent = $message->send()) {
throw new Exception($this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_error']);
$msg->copyMe = (isset($_POST['mod_simpleemailform_copyMe_' . $this->_instance]))
? (int) $_POST['mod_simpleemailform_copyMe_' . $this->_instance] : 0;
// 2011-08-12 DB: added option for copyMeAuto
if ($msg->copyMe || $msg->copyMeAuto) {
$message->addRecipient($msg->from, $msg->fromName);
if (!$sent = $message->send()) {
throw new Exception($this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_error']);
$result = TRUE;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = FALSE;
$msg->error = $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_error'] . ': Mail Server';
$msg->error .= '<br />' . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_email_invalid'];
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_testInfo[] = '<br />' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$this->_testInfo[] = '<br />' . $e->getTraceAsString() . "\n";
// 2012-02-15 db: override unwanted error messages originating from JMail
// 2012-03-07 DB: added test mode
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_testInfo[] = '<br />' . ob_get_contents() . "\n";
$this->_testInfo[] .= 'Mail Object:' . '<br />';
$this->_testInfo[] .= '<pre>';
$this->_testInfo[] .= var_export($this->_msg, TRUE);
$this->_testInfo[] .= '</pre>';
return $result;
public function imageCaptcha(
require_once 'Image.php';
$imgOptions = array(
'font_size' => $captchaSize,
'font_path' => dirname(__FILE__),
'font_file' => 'FreeSansBold.ttf',
'text_color' => $captchaTextColor,
'lines_color' => $captchaLinesColor,
'background_color' => $captchaBgColor
$options = array(
'width' => $captchaWidth,
'height' => $captchaHeight,
'output' => 'png',
'imageOptions' => $imgOptions,
// Set CAPTCHA phrase length
Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Image::$_phraseLength = $this->_captchaLen;
// Generate a new Text_CAPTCHA object, Image driver
$c = Text_CAPTCHA::factory('Image');
$retval = $c->init($options);
if (PEAR::isError($retval)) {
throw new Exception($this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_captcha_error_init'] . ' ' . $retval->getMessage());
// Get CAPTCHA image (as PNG)
$png = $c->getCAPTCHAAsPNG();
if (PEAR::isError($png)) {
throw new Exception($this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_captcha_error_gen'] . ' ' . $png->getMessage());
$randval = time() . rand(1,999);
$fn = 'captcha_' . $this->_instance . '_' . md5($randval) . '.png';
$put_fn = $captchaDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fn;
// 2013-10-24 DB: added check for trailing '/'
if (substr($captchaURL, -1, 1) === '/') {
$url_fn = $captchaURL . $fn;
} else {
// 2013-10-24 DB: hard-coded the "/" into the URL
$url_fn = $captchaURL . '/' . $fn;
JFile::write($put_fn, $png);
return $c->getPhrase();
public function textCaptcha($captchaBgColor,
$alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$textCaptcha = "<span style='color: $captchaTextColor; background-color: $captchaBgColor;'>";
$phrase = '';
$count = 0;
for ($x = 0; $x < $captchaLen; $x++) {
$a = substr($alpha, rand(0,25), 1);
$phrase .= $a;
switch ($count) {
case ($count % 3) :
$textCaptcha .= "<b>$a</b>";
case ($count % 2) :
$textCaptcha .= "<font size=+1>$a</font>";
default :
$textCaptcha .= "<font size=+2>$a</font>";
$textCaptcha .= '</span>';
return $phrase;
protected function formatErrorMessage($color, $message, $fn = '')
if ($fn) {
$message = "<p><b><span style='color:$color;'>$message ($fn)</span></b></p>\n";
} else {
$message = "<p><b><span style='color:$color;'>$message</span></b></p>\n";
return $message;
protected function autoResetForm()
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$_POST[$key] = '';
* Verifies that the string is in a proper email address format.
* @param string $email String to be verified.
* @return boolean True if string has the correct format; false otherwise.
* @since 11.1
public static function isEmailAddress($email)
// Split the email into a local and domain
$atIndex = strrpos($email, "@");
$domain = substr($email, $atIndex + 1);
$local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex);
// Check Length of domain
$domainLen = strlen($domain);
if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255)
return false;
* Check the local address
* We're a bit more conservative about what constitutes a "legal" address, that is, A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{|}~-
* Also, the last character in local cannot be a period ('.')
$allowed = 'A-Za-z0-9!#&*+=?_-';
$regex = "/^[$allowed][\.$allowed]{0,63}$/";
if (!preg_match($regex, $local) || substr($local, -1) == '.')
return false;
// No problem if the domain looks like an IP address, ish
$regex = '/^[0-9\.]+$/';
if (preg_match($regex, $domain))
return true;
// Check Lengths
$localLen = strlen($local);
if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64)
return false;
// Check the domain
$domain_array = explode(".", rtrim($domain, '.'));
$regex = '/^[A-Za-z0-9-]{0,63}$/';
foreach ($domain_array as $domain)
// Must be something
if (!$domain)
return false;
// Check for invalid characters
if (!preg_match($regex, $domain))
return false;
// Check for a dash at the beginning of the domain
if (strpos($domain, '-') === 0)
return false;
// Check for a dash at the end of the domain
$length = strlen($domain) - 1;
if (strpos($domain, '-', $length) === $length)
return false;
return true;
// Retrieve CAPTCHA hash components
protected function buildCaptchaHashComponents()
return str_replace('.', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . date('YmdH') . session_id());
// Build CAPTCHA hash
protected function buildCaptchaHash($phrase, &$testHash = NULL)
return md5($phrase . md5($this->buildCaptchaHashComponents()));
// Build CAPTCHA fields
protected function buildUserCaptchaField()
return 'mod_simpleemailform_captcha_' . $this->_instance;
protected function buildHiddenCaptchaField()
return 'mod_simpleemailform_crsf_' . $this->_instance;
// CAPTCHA match
protected function doesCaptchaMatch()
$match = FALSE;
$userCaptchaField = $this->buildUserCaptchaField();
$hiddenCaptchaField = $this->buildHiddenCaptchaField();
if (isset($_POST[$userCaptchaField]) && isset($_POST[$hiddenCaptchaField])) {
$hiddenHash = $_POST[$hiddenCaptchaField];
$userHash = $this->buildCaptchaHash($_POST[$userCaptchaField]);
$match = ($userHash == $hiddenHash);
return $match;
// render CAPTCHA
protected function renderCaptcha()
// Set CAPTCHA secret passphrase
if ($this->_useCaptcha == 'I') {
$phrase = $this->imageCaptcha( $this->_captchaBgColor,
} else {
$phrase = $this->textCaptcha( $this->_captchaBgColor,
$hiddenHash = $this->buildCaptchaHash($phrase);
$output = '';
$output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$output .= sprintf("<th align='%s' style='text-align:%s;' class='%s'>%s</th>",
// space between cols
$output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// captcha
$output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
if ($this->_useCaptcha == 'I') {
$output .= vsprintf("<img src='%s' width='%s' height='%s' %s />",
array($this->_url_fn, $this->_captchaWidth,$this->_captchaHeight, $this->_captchaClass));
$output .= "<br />";
} else {
$output .= $this->_textCaptcha;
$output .= "<input name='" . $this->buildUserCaptchaField() . "' "
. "id='" . $this->buildUserCaptchaField() . "' "
. "type='text' "
. "size='" . $this->_captchaLen . "' "
. "maxlength='" . $this->_captchaLen . "' "
. " class='" . $this->_inputClass . "' />";
$output .= " " . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_captcha_please_help'];
// send md5 hash of CAPTCHA phrase
$output .= "<input type='hidden' name='" . $this->buildHiddenCaptchaField() . "' value='" . $hiddenHash . "' />\n";
$output .= "</td>";
$output .= "</tr>\n";
return $output;
// Cleanup old CAPTCHA images
protected function cleanupCaptchas()
$output = '';
try {
// Get rid of old CAPTCHA images older than 5 minutes
$timeCheck = time() - (60 * 5); // subtracts 5 minutes
foreach(new DirectoryIterator($this->_captchaDir) as $file) {
if (!$file->isDot()) {
$fn = $file->getFilename();
if (strlen($fn) > 8 && strpos($fn, 'captcha_') === 0) {
$fn = $this->_captchaDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fn;
// remove CAPTCHAs older than 5 minutes
if ($file->getMTime() < $timeCheck) unlink($fn);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$output .= $this->formatErrorMessage($this->_errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_unable_clean_captcha']);
// Make Captcha directory and URL recommendations
$dirs = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, dirname(__FILE__));
if (count($dirs) > 2) {
$suggestedCaptchaDir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'captcha';
$suggestedCaptchaURL = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'captcha';
$output .= "<p>" . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_make_captcha_dir'] . ": " . $suggestedCaptchaDir . "</p>\n";
$output .= "<p>" . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_make_captcha_url'] . ": " . $suggestedCaptchaURL . "</p>\n";
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_testInfo[] = "<p>" . __FILE__ . "</p>\n";
$this->_testInfo[] = "<p>" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "</p>\n";
return $output;
// Render file upload field
protected function buildFileUploadField($fieldNum = 1)
$inputClass = $this->_inputClass . '_upload';
return "<br />"
. "<input "
. "type=file "
. "name='mod_simpleemailform_upload_" . $fieldNum . '_' . $this->_instance . "' "
. "id='mod_simpleemailform_upload_" . $fieldNum . '_' . $this->_instance . "' "
. "enctype='multipart/form-data' "
. "class='" . $inputClass . "'"
. " />";
// 2015-04-23 DB: builds 1 time hash + stores in $_SESSION
protected function buildCsrfHash()
$server = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : microtime();
$uagent = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : microtime();
$hash = md5($server . microtime()) . sha1($uagent . microtime());
$_SESSION[$this->_csrfField] = $hash;
return $hash;
// 2015-04-23 DB: accepts hash from form and compares to session
protected function compareCsrfHash()
$hashFromForm = (isset($_POST[$this->_csrfField])) ? $_POST[$this->_csrfField] : '';
$result = ($_SESSION[$this->_csrfField] == $hashFromForm);
$_SESSION[$this->_csrfField] = sha1(date('Y-m-d-H-i-s'));
return $result;
// Main logic
public function main()
// initialize vars + test mode
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$message = '';
if (isset($this->_useCaptcha) && $this->_useCaptcha == "I") {
$this->_output .= $this->cleanupCaptchas();
// 2015-04-24 DB: test CSRF hash & see if submit button pressed
if (isset($_POST['mod_simpleemailform_submit_' . $this->_instance]) && $this->compareCsrfHash()) {
// upload attachment (if active) and add to msg object
if ($this->_uploadActive) {
// 2013-02-15 DB: added ability to have > 1 upload field
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_uploadActive; $x++) {
$this->_msg->attachment[] = $this->uploadAttachment($this->_msg->dir,
$x // file upload field #
// Check toe see if "from" email address has been posted
$fieldLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $this->_fromField . '_' . $this->_instance;
if (isset($_POST[$fieldLabel]) && $this->_field[$this->_fromField]['active'] != 'H') {
$this->_msg->from = strip_tags($_POST[$fieldLabel]);
} else {
// Set default "from" field value
$this->_msg->from = $this->_field[$this->_fromField]['value'];
// Check subject
$fieldLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $this->_subjectField . '_' . $this->_instance;
if (isset($_POST[$fieldLabel]) && $this->_field[$this->_subjectField]['active'] != 'H') {
$this->_msg->subject = strip_tags($_POST[$fieldLabel]);
} else {
$this->_msg->subject = $this->_field[$this->_subjectField]['value'];
// Check to see if "from" email address contains "@"
$this->_msg->from = (isset($this->_msg->from)) ? str_ireplace('@', '@', $this->_msg->from) : '';
// validate email only if "Email Check" is set to "yes"
$requiredCheck = TRUE;
if ($this->_emailCheck) {
$email_ok = isset($this->_msg->from) && $this->_msg->from && $this->isEmailAddress($this->_msg->from);
if (!$email_ok) {
$requiredCheck = FALSE;
$this->_field[$this->_fromField]['error'] = $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_email_invalid']
. ' '
. $this->_field[$this->_fromField]['label'];
// Check required fields
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_maxFields; $x++) {
$fieldLabel = $this->_fieldPrefix . $x . '_' . $this->_instance;
if ($this->_field[$x]['active'] == 'R') {
if (!isset($_POST[$fieldLabel]) || $_POST[$fieldLabel] == NULL) {
$requiredCheck = FALSE;
$this->_field[$x]['error'] = $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_required_field'] . ' ' . $this->_field[$x]['label'];
// proceed only if required fields all check out
if ($requiredCheck) {
$sendResultsFlag = TRUE;
// Validate captcha if active
if ($this->_useCaptcha != 'N') {
// test mode
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_testInfo[] = '<br />CAPTCHA components: ' . $this->buildCaptchaHashComponents() . PHP_EOL;
// does form CAPTCHA fields hash match full hash?
if (!$this->doesCaptchaMatch()) {
$sendResultsFlag = FALSE;
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($this->_errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_form_reenter']);
// send results if OK
if ($sendResultsFlag) {
if ($this->sendResults($this->_msg, $this->_field)) {
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($this->_successTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_form_success']);
if ($this->_redirectURL !== '') {
header('Location: ' . $this->_redirectURL);
if ($this->_autoReset) {
} else {
$message .= $this->formatErrorMessage($this->_errorTxtColor, $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_form_unable']);
// Add any mail server error messages (is blank if none)
$message .= $this->_msg->error;
// actions if submit button has not been clicked
} else {
// reset form
if (isset($_POST['mod_simpleemailform_reset_' . $this->_instance])) {
// Check "from" email address & subject
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_maxFields; $x++) {
if ($this->_field[$x]['from'] == 'F') {
$this->_msg->from = $this->_field[$x]['value'];
} elseif ($this->_field[$x]['from'] == 'S') {
$this->_msg->subject = $this->_field[$x]['value'];
// Present the Email Form
$this->_output .= ($this->_cssClass) ? "<div class='" . $this->_cssClass . "'>\n" : '';
// 2012-04-20 DB: added anchor tag if > 1 (default anchor = #)
$this->_output .= (strlen($this->_anchor) > 1) ? "<a name='" . substr($this->_anchor, 1) . "'> </a>\n" : '';
$this->_output .= "<form method='post' "
. "action='" . $this->_anchor . "' "
. "name='_SimpleEmailForm_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "id='_SimpleEmailForm_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
$this->_output .= "<table class='" . $this->_tableClass . "'>\n";
// 2010-11-28 DB: all fields are now included in $this->_field[]
$this->_output .= $this->formatRow();
// check for file uploads
if ($this->_uploadActive) {
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= sprintf("<th align='%s' style='text-align:%s;' class='%s'>%s</th>",
// space between cols
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// file upload field
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
// 2013-02-15 DB: added ability to have > 1 upload field
for ($x = 1; $x <= $this->_uploadActive; $x++) {
$this->_output .= $this->buildFileUploadField($x);
$this->_output .= $this->_fileMsg;
$this->_output .= "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
// render CAPTCHA
if ($this->_useCaptcha != 'N') {
try {
// render CAPTCHA
$this->_output .= $this->renderCaptcha();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= sprintf("<th align='%s' style='text-align:%s;' class='%s'>%s</th>",
// space between cols
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// message
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>" . $e->getMessage() . "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
// copy me field
if ($this->_copymeActive == 'Y') {
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<th class='" . $this->_thClass . "'> </th>";
// space between cols
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// copy me
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<input "
. "type='checkbox' "
. "name='mod_simpleemailform_copyMe_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "id='mod_simpleemailform_copyMe_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "value='1' "
. " class='" . $this->_inputClass . "' />"
. $this->_copymeLabel
. "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
// buttons
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<th class='" . $this->_thClass . "'> </th>";
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<input "
. " class='" . $this->_inputClass . "' "
. "type='submit' "
. "name='mod_simpleemailform_submit_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "id='mod_simpleemailform_submit_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "value='" . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_button_submit'] . "' "
. "title='" . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_click_submit'] . "' />";
$this->_output .= " ";
$this->_output .= "<input "
. " class='" . $this->_inputClass . "' "
. "type='submit' "
. "name='mod_simpleemailform_reset_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "id='mod_simpleemailform_reset_" . $this->_instance . "' "
. "value='" . $this->_transLang['MOD_SIMPLEEMAILFORM_button_reset'] . "' "
. "title='' />";
$this->_output .= "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
// message
if ($message) {
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<th class='" . $this->_thClass . "'> </th>";
// space between cols
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// message
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= $message;
$this->_output .= "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
// test mode
if ($this->_testMode == 'Y') {
$this->_output .= "<tr class='" . $this->_trClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= "<th class='" . $this->_thClass . "'> </th>";
// space between cols
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_spaceClass . "' width='" . $this->_col2space . "'> </td>";
// message
$this->_output .= "<td class='" . $this->_tdClass . "'>";
$this->_output .= '<pre>';
$this->_output .= '$_POST:' . '<br />';
$this->_output .= htmlspecialchars(var_export($_POST, TRUE));
$this->_output .= "\nTest Info:" . '<br />';
foreach ($this->_testInfo as $item) {
$this->_output .= $item;
$this->_output .= "\nMail Object:" . '<br />';
$this->_output .= var_export($this->_msg, TRUE);
$this->_output .= "\nMisc Vars:" . '<br />';
$this->_output .= '_fromField: ' . $this->_fromField;
$this->_output .= '</pre>';
$this->_output .= "</td>";
$this->_output .= "</tr>\n";
$this->_output .= "</table>\n";
// 2015-04-24 DB: add CSRF hash
$this->_output .= sprintf("<input type='hidden' name='%s' value='%s'>\n",
$this->_csrfField, $this->buildCsrfHash());
$this->_output .= "</form>\n";
$this->_output .= ($this->_cssClass) ? '</div>' : '';
return $this->_output;
protected function compareCsrfHash() {
$hashFromForm = (isset($_POST[$this->_csrfField])) ? $_POST[$this->_csrfField] : '';
$_SESSION[$this->_csrfField] = sha1(date('Y-m-d-H-i-s'));
$result = ($_SESSION[$this->_csrfField] == $hashFromForm);
return $result;
Edit Jelle: Ik heb de melding tussen tags geplaatst, volgende keer graag zelf doen.
- teejoo
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- Joomla!NL ontdekker
- Berichten: 43
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:11
Excuses voor de lange lap tekst maar ik weet niet hoe ik het anders hier geplaatst kan krijgen. PDF-files en txt-files worden geweigerd als bijlage. Dus zag ik geen andere mogelijkheid.
Ik hoop van iemand te horen.
Ik hoop van iemand te horen.
- teejoo
- Heeft onderwerp gestart
- Joomla!NL ontdekker
- Berichten: 43
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:17 - 26 jan 2016 13:19Misschien even onze help sectie doorlezen?
Als je bijlagen toevoegt, controleer dan even je bericht of je bijlage ook echt toegevoegd is. Er zijn een aantal beperkingen voor het toevoegen van bijlagen/afbeeldingen:
Toegestane afbeeldingsformaten
max 600kB
Toegestane bestandsformaten
max 400kB
Groeten, Jelle
Voordat je een vraag post, gebruik eerst de zoekfunctie van ons forum eens. Vragen uitsluitend via dit Forum. | Is je vraag opgelost? Dan kan je hem zelf
. Wil je Joomla!NL steunen? Dat kan met een donatie. |
- Jelle
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- Berichten: 13636
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:46
Mijn bestanden voldoen aan de vereisten. De txt-files gingen ook niet bij een 2e poging. Nu maar de pdf proberen dan.
- teejoo
- Heeft onderwerp gestart
- Joomla!NL ontdekker
- Berichten: 43
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:51
Mijn bijlagen worden geweigerd. Zowel txt als pdf en elk én samen kleiner dan 400kb.
Probeer nu nog als zip-files en dan houden mijn opties op en hoop ik dat jullie met de eerste melding uit de voeten kunnen.
Probeer nu nog als zip-files en dan houden mijn opties op en hoop ik dat jullie met de eerste melding uit de voeten kunnen.
Deze bijlage is verborgen voor gasten.
Login of registreer om deze te zien.
Login of registreer om deze te zien.
- teejoo
- Heeft onderwerp gestart
- Joomla!NL ontdekker
- Berichten: 43
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:52
Gelukt. In de zip-file zitten de codes.
- teejoo
- Heeft onderwerp gestart
- Joomla!NL ontdekker
- Berichten: 43
opnieuw simple email form, probleem blijkt niet verholpen
26 jan 2016 13:59
Misschien handiger om even contact met de maker op te nemen. E-mailadres staat in dat bestand. Hun github versie verschilt van de laatste versie die je via hun site kunt downloaden, maar dat is de enige conclusie die ik hieruit kan trekken.
Groetjes, Astrid
Gebruik de zoekfunctie van dit forum voordat je een nieuwe vraag plaatst. Vragen uitsluitend via dit forum. - kvk 17157725 | Is je vraag beantwoord? Dan kan je het draadje zelf
. Wil je Joomla!NL steunen? Dat kan met een donatie. |
- Astrid
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