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Foto's draaien in Sigplus

Foto's draaien in Sigplus

08 feb 2019 18:56

Ik heb gallery's met foto's geplaatst op mijn website met sigplus.
Ik stel echter vast dat de foto's die ik gedraaid heb met een bewerkingsprogramma (remotelimage) terug plat liggen op de website.
Hoe los ik dit op?

Vriendelijke groet,

  • Paul1953
  • Paul1953's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Nieuw op Joomla!NL
  • Nieuw op Joomla!NL
  • Berichten: 16

Foto's draaien in Sigplus

08 feb 2019 19:51

Dit staat beschreven op de site van de makers

Images are turned to their side when displayed in the lightbox but they are shown correctly in my image viewer program.

Photos taken with a digital camera usually have two “types” of orientation. One is their storage orientation, which corresponds to how image pixels are arranged in the 2D grid, this is the same regardless of how you rotate your camera (i.e. for both portrait and landscape pictures). The other is a special metadata field (part of EXIF metadata) that tells how the direction “up” is to be understood for the image, which is of particular interest when you take a portrait picture with the camera turned sideways. Unfortunately, many browsers do not read the metadata orientation and rely only on the storage orientation. While sigplus cannot do anything about this, you can use an image processing program to align the storage orientation with whatever is set in the orientation metadata field, effectively rearranging the pixels in the 2D grid (i.e. the original image will be modified but no information will be lost). The Windows program IrfanView is great for this purpose.

Groeten, Jelle
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  • Jelle
  • Jelle's Profielfoto
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  • Algemeen Moderator
  • Berichten: 13636
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