Volgens de makers mag dat niet
zie hier.
Dus werken wij hier op het forum daar niet aan mee. ( kijk daar bij copyright link? )
Can I remove the copyright link?
M4J mail Forms is under the GPL license. It costs no cents. You will agree with us that a little bit of advertising for our company is not asking too much.
Furthermore a copyright back link is supported by the FSF.
We ask you to leave the copyright intact without obscuring it. This means that we ask you to leave the link publicly visible
We have provided a link free version in the past (for purchase).
Since the commercial follow up Proforms Advance we ask you to purchase a service package of Proforms Advance. All containing installer packages do not have link back.
We encourage you to purchase the Mailforms follow up Mooj Proforms. The smallest version costs 25 euros (also with PayPal), does not contain a copyright link and offers many new features.
Here you can get our new Joomla forms extension .