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foutje slideshow

foutje slideshow

20 feb 2021 15:08

ik krijg in mijn front-end volgende foutmelding:

Foto slideshow

[showplus] Critical error: The Graphics Draw (gd) or ImageMagick (imagick) image processing library has to be enabled in the PHP configuration to generate thumbnails.

Wat is er mis en hoe herstel ik het?

Alvast bedankt
  • Heirman Rudy
  • Heirman Rudy's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Bekend met Joomla!NL
  • Bekend met Joomla!NL
  • Berichten: 75

foutje slideshow

20 feb 2021 15:20
Dit vond ik op de site van de makers.

The Graphics Draw (gd) or ImageMagick (imagick) image processing library has to be enabled in the PHP configuration to generate thumbnails.

Graphics Draw (gd) and ImageMagick (imagick) are PHP extensions for image processing sigplus uses to generate preview images and thumbnails. If none of these are available, you will not be able to have preview images and thumbnail automatically generated. Contact your server administrator on how to have one of these libraries enabled.

Insufficient memory to carry out the requested operation on file, number bytes required, number bytes available.

When generating preview images and thumbnails, the original image has to fit into the memory available on the server. Most image formats used on the web are compressed images (e.g. GIF, JPEG or PNG images), which have to be decompressed before they could be processed. If Joomla is not allocated enough server-side memory to store the actual image, image generation fails.

Do not be deceived by raw file size when judging the amount of memory required to have a GIF, JPEG or PNG image re-scaled on the server. These image formats use efficient compression schemes that can reduce the file size to a fraction of the true image size (width × height × color depth). In order for sigplus to re-scale an image, however, it has to perform a decompression, and sufficient memory must be available to store each pixel of the decompressed image.

As a solution to eliminate the error message, you are recommended either to increase server-side memory, or resize your images before you upload them to the image gallery folder. Usually, images intended for the web rarely need a resolution multiple times the size of a regular display, which a normal digital camera would take.

Groeten, Jelle
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