Ik zit een probleem met de "aiContactSafe-module" en via het forum word ik geadviseerd het onderstaande te doen:
Those 3 dots are explained several times on the forum.
The problem is generated by a javascript conflict with mootools ( the default javascript library of Joomla ).
If you updated the site from Joomla 1.5.x to Joomla 2.5.x make sure you are using the latet version of aiContactSafe since the way mootools is loaded was changed.
Otherwise you need to identify what is casing the conflict ( in the site mentioned in this topic I see jquery loaded twice and noconflict function seams to be used only for one instance ) and try making it compatible with mootools.
You need to identify the extensions that are using jquery and check if they have a parameter that will activate the "noconflict" mode or a way to make them compatible with mootools. If not you will need to contact their developers to fix them ( mootools is part of Joomla, not part of aiContactSafe ) or try to fix them yourself or replace them.
Ik zal dus moeten kijken welke modules Jquery gebruiken maar hoe kom ik daar achter??