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  1. De versie van Joomla! 3.X die je gebruikt
  2. De volledige url van je website indien mogelijk.
  3. De versie van de extensie waar de vraag over gaat.
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opgelost Website verhuisd, vreemde storing

Website verhuisd, vreemde storing

17 jun 2014 12:27
Na een website te hebben verhuisd met J3.2 met VM en Yootheme template krijg ik bij het laden van de pagina de volgende error:
Het template voor deze weergave is niet beschikbaar. Neem contact op met de websitebeheerder. Unknown column 'a.title_alias' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.language, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, CASE WHEN a.modified = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END as modified, a.modified_by, uam.name as modified_by_name,CASE WHEN a.publish_up = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END as publish_up,a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.xreference, a.featured, LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore,CASE WHEN badcats.id is not null THEN 0 ELSE a.state END AS state,c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias,CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author,ua.email AS author_email,( SELECT MAX(contact.id) AS id FROM jos_contact_details AS contact WHERE contact.published = 1 AND contact.user_id = a.created_by) as contactid,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias,ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0) AS rating, v.rating_count as rating_count,c.published, CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN c.published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published FROM jos_content AS a LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid LEFT JOIN jos_users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_by LEFT JOIN jos_users AS uam ON uam.id = a.modified_by LEFT JOIN jos_categories as parent ON parent.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN jos_content_rating AS v ON a.id = v.content_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM jos_categories AS cat JOIN jos_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt WHERE parent.extension = 'com_content' AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id ) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id INNER JOIN jos_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp.content_id = a.id WHERE a.access IN (1,1,5) AND c.access IN (1,1,5) AND CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN a.state ELSE 0 END = 1 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2014-06-17 10:13:41') AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2014-06-17 10:13:41') ORDER BY c.lft, a.featured DESC, fp.ordering, a.created DESC LIMIT 0, 4 Unknown column 'a.title_alias' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.language, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, CASE WHEN a.modified = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.modified END as modified, a.modified_by, uam.name as modified_by_name,CASE WHEN a.publish_up = 0 THEN a.created ELSE a.publish_up END as publish_up,a.publish_down, a.images, a.urls, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access, a.hits, a.xreference, a.featured, LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore,CASE WHEN badcats.id is not null THEN 0 ELSE a.state END AS state,c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias,CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author,ua.email AS author_email,( SELECT MAX(contact.id) AS id FROM jos_contact_details AS contact WHERE contact.published = 1 AND contact.user_id = a.created_by) as contactid,parent.title as parent_title, parent.id as parent_id, parent.path as parent_route, parent.alias as parent_alias,ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0) AS rating, v.rating_count as rating_count,c.published, CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN c.published ELSE 0 END AS parents_published FROM jos_content AS a LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid LEFT JOIN jos_users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_by LEFT JOIN jos_users AS uam ON uam.id = a.modified_by LEFT JOIN jos_categories as parent ON parent.id = c.parent_id LEFT JOIN jos_content_rating AS v ON a.id = v.content_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT cat.id as id FROM jos_categories AS cat JOIN jos_categories AS parent ON cat.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt WHERE parent.extension = 'com_content' AND parent.published != 1 GROUP BY cat.id ) AS badcats ON badcats.id = c.id INNER JOIN jos_content_frontpage AS fp ON fp.content_id = a.id WHERE a.access IN (1,1,5) AND c.access IN (1,1,5) AND CASE WHEN badcats.id is null THEN a.state ELSE 0 END = 1 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2014-06-17 10:13:41') AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2014-06-17 10:13:41') ORDER BY c.lft, a.featured DESC, fp.ordering, a.created DESC

Ook het inloggen op de backend gaat niet, zie bijlage.

Het betreft een Php versie 5.3.16 naar 5.4.

Iemand een idee?
Bedrijf in de Wolken. Alles voor de ondernemer onder één dak
Webdesign - Vormgeving - Marketing - Hosting - Drukwerk - Cloud oplossingen

Dit bericht bevat afbeeldingen als bijlage.
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Discussie gesloten.
  • OpticMoon
  • OpticMoon's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Regelmatige bezoeker van Joomla!NL
  • Regelmatige bezoeker van Joomla!NL
  • Berichten: 229

Website verhuisd, vreemde storing

17 jun 2014 13:31
Lijkt wel alsof je of je database niet mee verhuisd hebt of dat je site gekoppeld is aan de verkeerde database.
Groetjes, Astrid
Gebruik de zoekfunctie van dit forum voordat je een nieuwe vraag plaatst.
Vragen uitsluitend via dit forum.
yndi.nl - kvk 17157725
Is je vraag beantwoord? Dan kan je het draadje zelf sluiten .
Wil je Joomla!NL steunen? Dat kan met een donatie.

Discussie gesloten.
  • Astrid
  • Astrid's Profielfoto
  • Moderator + Technisch team
  • Moderator + Technisch team
  • Berichten: 37151

Website verhuisd, vreemde storing

17 jun 2014 17:03
Ohhh juist, verkeerde database... :blush:
Bedrijf in de Wolken. Alles voor de ondernemer onder één dak
Webdesign - Vormgeving - Marketing - Hosting - Drukwerk - Cloud oplossingen
Discussie gesloten.
  • OpticMoon
  • OpticMoon's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Regelmatige bezoeker van Joomla!NL
  • Regelmatige bezoeker van Joomla!NL
  • Berichten: 229
Moderators: PeterJuliank92JelleRomke
Tijd voor maken pagina: 1.474 seconden

Wil je Joomla!NL steunen?

Steun Joomla!NLAlle teamleden werken enthousiast, op vrijwillige basis, mee aan Joomla!NL. Maar een website met forum kost nu eenmaal geld. Dus als je Joomla!NL wilt steunen, dan kan dat, graag zelfs!

Lees hier meer informatie