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20 mei 2016 15:08 - 20 mei 2016 15:17

Kan iemand mij met het volgende helpen?
ik wil in het volgende php bepaalde groepen toevoegen zodat ze geen reactie hoeven te geven en dus het bestand meteen zien en kunnen downloaden. wat hier en waar toe te voegen?
class listener implements EventSubscriberInterface { protected $db; protected $user; protected $template; protected $config; protected $helper; protected $b_forceUnhide = false; private $a_TFP_topic_posts_thanked = array(); private $b_topic_replied = false; private $hbuid; // Hide Bbcode UID (Unique Identification Digit) /** * Constructor * * @param \phpbb\db\driver\driver $db Database object * @param \phpbb\controller\helper $helper Controller helper object */ public function __construct(\phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db, \phpbb\user $user, \phpbb\template\template $template, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\controller\helper $helper) { $this->db = $db; $this->user = $user; $this->template = $template; $this->config = $config; $this->helper = $helper; $this->hbuid = substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, 10); } static public function getSubscribedEvents() { return array( 'core.user_setup' => 'load_language_on_setup', 'core.modify_posting_parameters' => 'check_user_posted_posting', 'core.viewtopic_assign_template_vars_before' => 'check_user_posted_viewtopic', 'core.ucp_pm_compose_quotepost_query_after' => 'check_user_posted_pm', 'core.viewtopic_post_rowset_data' => 'viewtopic_post_rowset_data', 'core.topic_review_modify_row' => 'topic_review_modify_row', 'core.posting_modify_template_vars' => 'posting_modify_template_vars', 'core.modify_text_for_display_after' => 'parse_bbcodes_after', 'core.modify_format_display_text_after' => 'parse_bbcodes_topicPreview', 'core.viewtopic_modify_post_row' => 'viewtopic_modify_post_row', 'gfksx.thanksforposts.delete_thanks_before' => 'TFP_delete_thanks_before', 'core.search_modify_rowset' => 'search_modify_rowset', ); } /** * Load common files during user setup * * @param object $event The event object * @return null * @access public */ public function load_language_on_setup($event) { $this->user->add_lang_ext('marcovo/hideBBcode', 'hide_bbcode'); $s_helpline = ''; $s_hidden_desc = ''; $s_hidden_attach = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_ATTACH']; if($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_reply'] && $this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp']) { $s_helpline = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_HIDE_HELPLINE_REPLY_THANK']; $s_hidden_desc = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_DESCRIPTION_REPLY_THANK']; $s_hidden_attach .= ' '.$this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_ATTACH_REPLY_THANK']; } else if($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_reply']) { $s_helpline = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_HIDE_HELPLINE_REPLY']; $s_hidden_desc = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_DESCRIPTION_REPLY']; $s_hidden_attach .= ' '.$this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_ATTACH_REPLY']; } else if($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp']) { $s_helpline = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_HIDE_HELPLINE_THANK']; $s_hidden_desc = $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_DESCRIPTION_THANK']; $s_hidden_attach .= ' '.$this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_ATTACH_THANK']; } $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_HIDE_HELPLINE'] = $s_helpline; $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_DESCRIPTION'] = $s_hidden_desc; $this->user->lang['HIDEBB_MESSAGE_HIDDEN_ATTACH'] = $s_hidden_attach; } ################################################################################ # Functions for checking topics for replies, and posts for thanks ################################################################################ /** * Check whether texts need to be hidden for the topic * * @param object $event The event object */ public function check_user_posted_viewtopic($event) { $topic_id = $event['topic_id']; $this->check_user_posted_by_topicId($topic_id); $this->check_posts_thanked_by_topicId($topic_id); } /** * Check whether texts need to be hidden for the post/topic * * @param object $event The event object */ public function check_user_posted_posting($event) { if($event['mode'] == 'post') { // When just posting a new topic, there should be no risk, so we hide nothing. // This is needed when one submits a form which produces an error. // In this case, we need to prevent the [hide]-text from being hidden, which is done here. $this->b_forceUnhide = true; return; } if($event['post_id'] != 0) { $this->check_user_posted_by_postId($event['post_id']); $this->check_posts_thanked_by_postId($event['post_id']); } else if($event['topic_id'] != 0) { $this->check_user_posted_by_topicId($event['topic_id']); $this->check_posts_thanked_by_topicId($event['topic_id']); } } /** * Check whether the user has posted in the topic where $post_id is posted in * * @param object $event The event object */ private function check_user_posted_by_postId($post_id) { $sql = "SELECT topic_id FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " WHERE post_id = ".$post_id.""; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $topic_id = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $topic_id = $topic_id['topic_id']; $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $this->check_user_posted_by_topicId($topic_id); } /** * Check whether the user has posted in a topic * * @param int $topic_id The topic id */ private function check_user_posted_by_topicId($topic_id) { global $auth; $sql = "SELECT forum_id FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " WHERE topic_id = ".$topic_id." "; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $forum_id = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $forum_id = $forum_id['forum_id']; $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_id)) { // If moderator or admin, skip reply check, auto unhide $this->b_forceUnhide = true; } else if ($this->user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS) { // Check if the topic viewer has posted in the topic $sql = "SELECT poster_id, topic_id FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " WHERE topic_id = $topic_id AND poster_id = " . $this->user->data['user_id']; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $this->b_topic_replied = $this->db->sql_affectedrows($result) ? true : false; $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } $this->template->assign_var('S_HIDE_REFRESH_ON_QR', $this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_reply'] && !$this->b_topic_replied && !$this->b_forceUnhide); } /** * Check whether the user has posted in topics * * @param array(int) $topic_ids The topic ids */ private function check_user_posted_by_topicIds($topic_ids) { global $auth; $a_topic_replied = array(); foreach($topic_ids as $topic_id) { $a_topic_replied[$topic_id] = false; } // Check if the topic viewer has posted in the topic $sql = "SELECT poster_id, topic_id FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " WHERE " . $this->db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids) . " AND poster_id = " . $this->user->data['user_id']; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); while($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $a_topic_replied[$row['topic_id']] = true; } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); // Obtain topic_id -> forum_id relations $forum_ids = array(); $sql = "SELECT topic_id, forum_id FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " WHERE " . $this->db->sql_in_set('topic_id', $topic_ids) . " "; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); while($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $forum_ids[$row['topic_id']] = $row['forum_id']; } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); // Check moderator privileges foreach($topic_ids as $topic_id) { if ($auth->acl_get('m_', $forum_ids[$topic_id])) { // If moderator or admin, skip reply check, auto unhide $a_topic_replied[$topic_id] = true; } } return $a_topic_replied; } /** * TFP: Retrieve which posts in the given topic are thanked by current user * * @param int $topic_id The topic id (or array of topic ids) */ private function check_posts_thanked_by_topicId($topic_id) { $this->check_posts_thanked_by('topic_id', $topic_id); } /** * TFP: Retrieve whether a post is thanked by current user * * @param int $post_id The post id (or array of post ids) */ private function check_posts_thanked_by_postId($post_id) { $this->check_posts_thanked_by('post_id', $post_id); } /** * TFP: Retrieve which posts are thanked by current user * * @param string $s_field Either 'post_id' or 'topic_id' * @param int $i_value The post id or topic id (or array of those) */ private function check_posts_thanked_by($s_field, $i_value) { if($this->user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp']) { if(!is_array($i_value)) $i_value = array($i_value); $thanks_table = str_replace('config', '', CONFIG_TABLE).'thanks'; $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM " . $thanks_table . " WHERE " . $this->db->sql_in_set($s_field, $i_value) . " AND user_id = ".$this->user->data['user_id']." "; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); while($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $this->a_TFP_topic_posts_thanked[] = $row['post_id']; } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); } } ################################################################# # Mark some posts to unhide the hide-codes ################################################################# /** * Unhide some codes on the search page * * @param object $event The event object */ public function search_modify_rowset($event) { $a_postIds = array(); $a_topicIds = array(); $rowset = $event['rowset']; foreach($rowset as $row) { $a_postIds[$row['post_id']] = 1; $a_topicIds[$row['topic_id']] = 1; } $a_postIds = array_keys($a_postIds); $a_topicIds = array_keys($a_topicIds); $a_topic_replied = $this->check_user_posted_by_topicIds($a_topicIds); $this->check_posts_thanked_by_postId($a_postIds); foreach($rowset as $key => $row) { $post_id = $row['post_id']; $topic_id = $row['topic_id']; if(in_array($post_id, $this->a_TFP_topic_posts_thanked) || $a_topic_replied[$topic_id] === true) { $uid = $row['bbcode_uid']; $rowset[$key]['post_text'] = str_replace('[hide:'.$uid.']', '[hide:'.$uid.']'.'{unhide:'.$this->hbuid.'}', $row['post_text']); } } $event['rowset'] = $rowset; } /** * TFP: See whether we should unhide some text because of thanks * * @param object $event The event object */ public function viewtopic_post_rowset_data($event) { if($this->user->data['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp']) { $rowset_data = $event['rowset_data']; $post_id = $rowset_data['post_id']; if(in_array($post_id, $this->a_TFP_topic_posts_thanked)) { $uid = $rowset_data['bbcode_uid']; $rowset_data['post_text'] = str_replace('[hide:'.$uid.']', '[hide:'.$uid.']'.'{unhide:'.$this->hbuid.'}', $rowset_data['post_text']); $event['rowset_data'] = $rowset_data; } } } ################################################################# # Functions for hiding text in textareas ################################################################# /** * Hide the hidden texts in the textarea on pm page, if quoting from a topic post * * @param object $event The event object */ public function check_user_posted_pm($event) { $post_id = $event['msg_id']; $this->check_user_posted_by_postId($post_id); $this->check_posts_thanked_by_postId($post_id); $post = $event['post']; $bbcode_uid = $post['bbcode_uid']; if(!$this->unhide_in_post($post_id)) { $post['message_text'] = preg_replace('#\[hide:'.$bbcode_uid.'\].*?\[/hide:'.$bbcode_uid.'\]#is', '{{'.$this->user->lang('HIDEBB_HIDDEN_MESSAGE')."}}\n", $post['message_text']); } else { // The [hide]-tags aren't useful in pm's, so replace them if present $post['message_text'] = str_replace(array('[hide:'.$bbcode_uid.']', '[/hide:'.$bbcode_uid.']'), array('{hide}', '{/hide}'), $post['message_text']); } $event['post'] = $post; } /** * Hide the hidden texts when clicking on the 'quote'-button in the post listing on posting.php * * @param object $event The event object */ public function topic_review_modify_row($event) { if (!$this->unhide_in_post($event['row']['post_id'])) { $post_row = $event['post_row']; $post_row['DECODED_MESSAGE'] = preg_replace("#\[hide\].*?\[/hide\]#is", '{{'.$this->user->lang('HIDEBB_HIDDEN_MESSAGE')."}}\n", $post_row['DECODED_MESSAGE']); $event['post_row'] = $post_row; } } /** * Hide the hidden texts in the textarea on posting.php * * @param object $event The event object */ public function posting_modify_template_vars($event) { if(isset($event['draft_id'])) // >= phpBB 3.1.6 ? { $draft_id = $event['draft_id']; } else // <= phpBB 3.1.5. Code taken from posting.php. This does not include edits on $draft_id from other extensions! { global $auth, $request; $draft_id = $request->variable('d', 0); $mode = $event['mode']; // Load requested Draft if ($draft_id && ($mode == 'reply' || $mode == 'quote' || $mode == 'post') && $this->user->data['is_registered'] && $auth->acl_get('u_savedrafts')) { $sql = 'SELECT draft_subject, draft_message FROM ' . DRAFTS_TABLE . " WHERE draft_id = $draft_id AND user_id = " . $this->user->data['user_id']; $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1); $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if(!$row) { $draft_id = 0; } } } if (!$this->unhide_in_post($event['post_id']) && in_array($event['mode'], array('reply', 'quote')) && !$event['preview'] && $draft_id == 0) { $page_data = $event['page_data']; $page_data['MESSAGE'] = preg_replace("#\[hide\].*?\[/hide\]#is", '{{'.$this->user->lang('HIDEBB_HIDDEN_MESSAGE')."}}\n", $page_data['MESSAGE']); $event['page_data'] = $page_data; } } ################################################################# # Functions for hiding text in display ################################################################# /** * Alter BBCodes after they are processed by phpBB * * @param object $event The event object */ public function parse_bbcodes_after($event) { $event['text'] = preg_replace_callback('#<!-- HIDE_BBCODE -->(.*?)<!-- /HIDE_BBCODE -->#s', array($this, 'hidden_pass'), $event['text']); } /** * Alter BBCodes after they are processed by phpBB * * @param object $event The event object */ public function parse_bbcodes_topicPreview($event) { $event['text'] = preg_replace_callback('#<!-- HIDE_BBCODE -->(.*?)<!-- /HIDE_BBCODE -->#s', array($this, 'hidden_pass_topicPreview'), $event['text']); } /** * Convert Hidden BBCode into its final appearance * * @param array $matches * @return string HTML render of hidden bbcode */ protected function hidden_pass($matches) { $this->template->set_style(array('styles', 'ext/marcovo/hideBBcode/styles')); $bbcode = new \bbcode(); $bbcode->template_filename = $this->template->get_source_file_for_handle('hide_bbcode.html'); if (strpos($matches[1], '{unhide:'.$this->hbuid.'}') === 0) { return $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_open') . str_replace('{unhide:'.$this->hbuid.'}', '', $matches[1]) . $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_close'); } else if (($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_reply'] && $this->b_topic_replied) || $this->b_forceUnhide) { return $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_open') . $matches[1] . $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_close'); } else { return $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('hide'); } } /** * Convert Hidden BBCode into its final appearance * * @param array $matches * @return string HTML render of hidden bbcode */ protected function hidden_pass_topicPreview($matches) { $this->template->set_style(array('styles', 'ext/marcovo/hideBBcode/styles')); $bbcode = new \bbcode(); $bbcode->template_filename = $this->template->get_source_file_for_handle('hide_bbcode.html'); return $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_open') . $matches[1] . $bbcode->bbcode_tpl('unhide_close'); } ################################################################# # Functions for hiding attachments ################################################################# /** * Display a notification if we are hiding attachments * * @param object $event The event object */ public function viewtopic_modify_post_row($event) { if($this->config['hidebbcode_hide_attach'] && !$this->unhide_in_post($event['row']['post_id']) && $event['row']['post_attachment'] && strpos($event['row']['post_text'], '[hide:') !== false) { $attachments = $event['attachments']; if(count($attachments[$event['row']['post_id']]) > 0) { $post_row = $event['post_row']; $post_row['S_HAS_ATTACHMENTS'] = false; $post_row['S_HIDEBBCODE_HIDDEN_ATTACH'] = true; $event['post_row'] = $post_row; } $attachments[$event['row']['post_id']] = array(); $event['attachments'] = $attachments; } } ################################################################# # Other... ################################################################# /** * TFP: Make sure posts are not un-thanked when there is a [hide] code present * * @param object $event The event object */ public function TFP_delete_thanks_before($event) { if(!$this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp']) { return; } $post_id = $event['post_id']; $forum_id = $event['forum_id']; $sql = "SELECT post_text FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " WHERE post_id = ".$post_id.""; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $post_row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $post_text = $post_row['post_text']; $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); if(strpos($post_text, '[hide:') !== false) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; trigger_error($this->user->lang['HIDEBB_TFP_NO_DELETE'] . '<br /><br />' . $this->user->lang('RETURN_POST', '<a href="' . append_sid($phpbb_root_path."viewtopic.".$phpEx, "f=$forum_id&amp;p=$post_id#p$post_id") . '">', '</a>')); } } /** * Shorthand function to check whether to show or hide the hide-codes in a post * * @param int $post_id The post id */ private function unhide_in_post($post_id) { return ($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_reply'] && $this->b_topic_replied) || ($this->config['hidebbcode_unhide_tfp'] && in_array($post_id, $this->a_TFP_topic_posts_thanked) ) || $this->b_forceUnhide; } }

Bvd Gio.
Edit Astrid: Ik heb je topic verplaatst naar het juiste forum omdat deze vraag over PHPBB gaat en niet over Joomla.
  • Gio
  • Gio's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Berichten: 29

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20 mei 2016 17:57
Ik kreeg het onderstaande maar dat werkt niet dan krijg ik een witte pagina

&& !user_is_in_your_special_group()
dit moest ik toevoegen aan lijn 564
if($this->config['hidebbcode_hide_attach'] && !$this->unhide_in_post($event['row']['post_id']) && $event['row']['post_attachment'] && strpos($event['row']['post_text'], '[hide:') !== false)
  • Gio
  • Gio's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Berichten: 29

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20 mei 2016 18:57
Beste Gio,

Ik heb nu het idee dat je in het verkeerde forum een vraag post, dit is een Joomla forum en dus niet een forum dat over PHPBB gaat.
Ik zou dus je vraag gaan posten bij het PHPBB forum daar zit je veel dichter bij het vuur. ;)
PHPBB forum.
Groeten, Jelle
Voordat je een vraag post, gebruik eerst de zoekfunctie van ons forum eens.
Vragen uitsluitend via dit Forum.
Is je vraag opgelost? Dan kan je hem zelf sluiten .
Wil je Joomla!NL steunen? Dat kan met een donatie.
  • Jelle
  • Jelle's Profielfoto
  • Algemeen Moderator
  • Algemeen Moderator
  • Berichten: 13636

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20 mei 2016 19:09
Beste Jelle,

Dat weet ik daar heb ik geen hulp gekregen omdat het een [RC] betreft op het engelse forum en op het nederlandse forum ook geen reacties meer dacht dat hier misschien iemand mij verder op weg kon helpen vandaar dat ik het hier plaats als hier tenminste iemand is die met dit listner.php overweg kan maar als de kans klein is dan is dat jammer zal ik nog verder moeten gaan zoeken.
dus dacht als ik het niet probeer weet ik het ook nooit :woohoo:
  • Gio
  • Gio's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Berichten: 29

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20 mei 2016 19:12

We laten deze topic ook gewoon open hoor, misschien dat iemand hier voorbij komt met een antwoord.
Maar wilde je er toch even op wijzen, het past eigenlijk gewoon niet in dit forum.
Groeten, Jelle
Voordat je een vraag post, gebruik eerst de zoekfunctie van ons forum eens.
Vragen uitsluitend via dit Forum.
Is je vraag opgelost? Dan kan je hem zelf sluiten .
Wil je Joomla!NL steunen? Dat kan met een donatie.
  • Jelle
  • Jelle's Profielfoto
  • Algemeen Moderator
  • Algemeen Moderator
  • Berichten: 13636

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20 mei 2016 19:21 - 20 mei 2016 19:22
Oke bedankt ik kijk het ff aan dan, mocht er geen reacties komen dan mag je dit topic gerust verwijderen ;)

Heb deze vraag ook op gesteld daar hebben ze ook het phpBB forum geintegreerd

  • Gio
  • Gio's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Berichten: 29

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24 mei 2016 19:34
Dit topic mag gesloten worden helaas geen oplossing.

Mvg Gio.
  • Gio
  • Gio's berichtenfoto Heeft onderwerp gestart
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Joomla!NL ontdekker
  • Berichten: 29
Moderators: JelleRomke
Tijd voor maken pagina: 0.686 seconden
Gemaakt door Kunena

Wil je Joomla!NL steunen?

Steun Joomla!NLAlle teamleden werken enthousiast, op vrijwillige basis, mee aan Joomla!NL. Maar een website met forum kost nu eenmaal geld. Dus als je Joomla!NL wilt steunen, dan kan dat, graag zelfs!

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